Pray. Give. Serve.

:: November 2017 ::


Love South Florida is a month-long outreach powered by Church United and the churches of Broward County. Running November 1 -30, we encourage our local congregations to pray, give + serve our communities as we seek to display the love of God throughout South Florida.

Days till #LoveSFL Begins









Prayer unites the Church like nothing else, so #LoveSFL begins in prayer for our friends, co-workers, neighbors and city. As you pray, ask God to reveal tangible needs and opportunities to show his love.

Discover a need? Want to share your story? Let us know!


3lbs of food + $39/person adds up to something big. Real big.

Our participating churches partner with exceptional ministries and nonprofits that seek to see South Florida become a more just and merciful place. When you make a financial donation to #LoveSFL, every penny goes to support the needs and efforts of these organizations.


Volunteer at least 3 hours of your time to serve alongside a local school, ministry or nonprofit.

Looking for a project? We’ve got you covered. This year we’ve partnered with Rebuilding Together Broward to host 3 neighborhood revitalization projects.

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Thankfully we have a plan: you + your church.

2017 goals:  



Tell us a little more about you and your church.

Questions? Comments?

Have an outreach already planned? Have a question? Let us know!

2016 Results: 

50,000+ Pounds Collected

That’s a lot of food to fill a lot of empty pantries.

Hunger is all around us in South Florida. From homelessness to single mothers needing a little extra help to make this week’s meal, through #LoveSFL close to 17,000 people chose to donate food towards someone in need.

$250,000+ Given Away!

That’s right. Your $39 added up to something big.

Through #LoveSFL and your generosity, over $250,000 was collected and given away to fuel the mission of local non-profits and ministries as they seek the peace and prosperity of our region.

20,000+ Hours Recorded

Time is precious. You gave a lot of it.

Time is hard to come by, especially around the holidays. Through #LoveSFL many of you gave your time away. From service projects at local schools to packing meals for hurricane victims, your presence demonstrated Christ’s love to our region.

“Love South Florida was a natureal response to the larger expression of unity manisfesting through Church United. Churhces who used to not know much of eachother are now linking arms together and serving alongside each other” – Pastor Juan

“LoveSFL is helping us bring the focus of outreach to our community as we further engage our neighbors at home, at work, at the beach and at the grocery store. We are aware that transfomational moments can occur in the midle of our day-to-day, non-glamourus routine. To see this region trnasfomred will take a collective effort.” – Pastor Samuel